Friday 24 July 2015

6 fonts homework week 1

Good fonts

Enter Sansman

Enter Sansman is a font appeals to me as the name and style of the font to fit and be reminiscent of an already established piece of musical art which I enjoy. I also enjoy the clear uniform block style that doesn't distract from the text itself.


 I like the font ParmaPetit as I enjoy the stoke of some of the characters such as the P, e and a. The added serif accents and how the flow of the stokes tapers off completes the letter to me.


I like rodondo as the ends of the stroke remind me of knives and I enjoy the drama the text creates. I like the way that the tail of the R is not restyled as i think that would have made the character look off balance.

Bad Fonts

With these fonts it is worth mentioning that all of these fonts are valid and good in their own right due to them technically being fine I don't particularly like overly square and blocky style if these fonts. I find that the K in Kinetic Extreme Solid is to distracting due to its arm sprouting from the bottom of it's stem. Moreover, the serif styling on the Rockster Serif over-complicates an otherwise simple font. I think it would benefit from becoming a Sans Serif font and smoothing the tail of the R to become more clear and readable.

Consistency in fonts.


The font of Medhurst displays plenty of consistency threw out all of the elements of the typeface. A form of this consistency is the Serif  elements on each of the characters this applies to aesthetic consistency as the “feet” are found stylized in a specific way that is consistent  in all of the characters. Moreover consistency can be found again in the way that the stroke in the characters thins out during bowls, shoulders, diagonals and cross bars. The counter in all the lowercase characters (the the exception of the e) are all of similar size, however this aesthetic consistency is absent in the uppercase characters whose counters by comparison are far more larger and have larger differences in their shape. Considering that all characters possible on an Australian keyboard have been translated into this font we can see that there is a large amount of functional consistency. Another example of the functional consistency of this font would be that layout of the characters in general, each character sits on the baseline and obeys the conventions of the common layout like capital height and x height this makes the font easier to understand in large chunks of text and allows writing in this font to convey a sentence's meaning when written in it. I would say that in the area of the numbers Medhurst fails to display consistency as the smooth curved strokes and long diagonals do not thin out at any point, this does not adhere to the conventions set and displayed by the uppercase characters and the lowercase letters however I can understand why this is as of the many strokes that lead from curves and diagonals go on to form curves and diagonals this would culminate into numbers that simple have thinner strokes then their letter counterparts.

The font of Brioche au Potiron

Brioche au Potiron has some minor problems with consistency such as the way that some capitals do not sit uniformly on the baseline with the lowercase this makes the font look uneven where these characters mingle. Moreover the letter S in both uppercase and lowercase has been utterly redesigned and brakes the functional consistency by having a smaller aperture at the bottom as opposed to the accepted convention of it have the smaller aperture at the top. Also the S look out of place and overtly compact when compared with the other characters in the font.


Arual is a very simplistic font with a constant and aesthetic consistent stoke size through all it’s characters. A consistent theme of the fonts uppercase characters is to have the incomplete bowls which create new apertures where there would otherwise be counter fully surrounded by bowls however, this is not included in the lowercase letters and is thus inconsistent.