Friday 24 July 2015

6 fonts homework week 1

Good fonts

Enter Sansman

Enter Sansman is a font appeals to me as the name and style of the font to fit and be reminiscent of an already established piece of musical art which I enjoy. I also enjoy the clear uniform block style that doesn't distract from the text itself.


 I like the font ParmaPetit as I enjoy the stoke of some of the characters such as the P, e and a. The added serif accents and how the flow of the stokes tapers off completes the letter to me.


I like rodondo as the ends of the stroke remind me of knives and I enjoy the drama the text creates. I like the way that the tail of the R is not restyled as i think that would have made the character look off balance.

Bad Fonts

With these fonts it is worth mentioning that all of these fonts are valid and good in their own right due to them technically being fine I don't particularly like overly square and blocky style if these fonts. I find that the K in Kinetic Extreme Solid is to distracting due to its arm sprouting from the bottom of it's stem. Moreover, the serif styling on the Rockster Serif over-complicates an otherwise simple font. I think it would benefit from becoming a Sans Serif font and smoothing the tail of the R to become more clear and readable.

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