Monday 10 August 2015

Font Assessment.

For my font I decided that I would pursue a style that was casual but had uniform elements that could be found in the anatomy of the characters. To give myself a strong starting
point for casual elements I used a sans serif font as I felt that serif fonts were often associated with formal events and documents such as contracts and office documents. I wanted a
recognizable difference between the starting font and my own, so I decide that to demonstrate this I would I would thin out some areas of the stroke, many of these were stems,
looked as though they were 3D and slightly angled, however I believe that through trial and error I managed to reach a balance in style and function which allows the letters to look
horizontals and top halves of bowls. I also decide to end and start character strokes diagonally with certain letters like X and V creating some confliction as at certain times they
would apptly serve as my fonts name. In conclusion I have completed my goal to create a uniform yet casual font I achieved this through making letters asymmetrical and manipulating
comfortable within the font. When I had completed my font I began to think of a name, the first word I thought of when trying describe my font was “quirky” thusly I thought that it
areas of the characters so that regular shapes that are usually present in the font are morphed into more unusual shapes however, I have stayed reserved in the manipulation
and have ensured that the changes I have made in the font are constant in my font.

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