Monday 24 August 2015

Explaining colours in art

Colours in Photography

Primary Colours

Primary colours are used in this piece of photography. The three primary colours have been use define the different areas of the image with the red being held in the left the blue on the right and the yellow in the centre. The yellow is used to draw the eye to the centre of the image as that is the brightest colour while the two darker colours flank the focus either side his helps the flow of the image and creates greater contrast within the clouds.

Secondary Colours

In this image the photographer has captured three elements that are set against a neutral black background. The three prominent items are examples of the three secondary colours orange, green and violet.

Tertiary Colours

This artwork exhibits a great use of tertiary colours to create a warm scene.  Using a reddish orange for the brick colour and a yellow orange for the plaster or paint on the wall above the arch establishes the temperature in the image moreover it allows the cooler colours to stand out out against the red-orange base.

Analogous Colours

In this image analogous colours are used to make all of the items seem as though they belong together or are related in some way. The colours used are blue, dark blue, marine and green.

Complimentary Colours

complimentary are on opposite sides of the colour wheel as seen in the image with how a red subject is featured against a green background.

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