Tuesday 11 August 2015

Gestalt's law and Esher’s drawings

Esher’s drawings analysed using Gestalt’s laws.


Waterfall adheres to aspects of Gestalt's laws such as the elements of continuation and similarity. When viewing this my eye was drawn to the top of the waterfall and then I followed the flowing water down to the waterwheel where I would continue back up the channel. The water creates a trail that loops the eye around the image continuously. Upon a more detailed inspection of the piece, I noticed that the monuments on top of the towers are very similar however not the same. This makes use of the similarity element of Gestalt's laws, this helps define the towers as related in a form, to me they inspire thoughts of siblings.

Bond of union

Bond of union demonstrates aspects of Gestalt's law, these include similarity, continuation, reification, proximity and closure. Similarity is observed in the characters and orbs in this piece, the characters are believed to be human, (although turned into a conjoined ribbon) the features that they both exhibit are similar in size and shape moreover both heads are of similar size as well. The orbs appear in different shades depending on the position in the image. continuation can be seen in the way that the viewer is invited to follow the endless ribbon that makes up the faces. Esher has incorporated reification in this piece by only allowing the bear minimum detail and common facial features, this creates just enough suggestion that we are looking at two people. Proximity is used to suggest that the two characters are a couple or two person group due to their close spacing. Finally closure is demonstrated in that much of the facial features and skin have been left undrawn, this gives the image intrigue and makes the piece fell unsettling.


In this piece extensive use of proximity and similarity are evident. Esher has used similarity to at progressively to change one element into a completely different end product moreover he has made use of proximity to make each progressively different interval related to one another, this was done by placing each element so it borders another.

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